About SciFund Challenge

Jarrett Byrnes
Dr. Jarrett Byrnes is a co-founder of #SciFund Challenge. He has been fascinated by the use of internet technologies for science communication since graduate school, where he started his blog "i’m a chordata! urochordata!" in 2002. He is currently an assistant professor in the Biology Department at the University of Massachusetts Boston where he studies marine ecology and global change.

Jai Ranganathan
Dr. Jai Ranganathan is a co-founder of #SciFund Challenge. He is strongly dedicated to the promotion of science communication and science outreach. He is a conservation biologist and a Center Associate at the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis.

Siouxsie Wiles
Dr Siouxsie Wiles is a microbiologist and bioluminescence enthusiast. Siouxsie heads the Bioluminescent Superbugs Group at the University of Auckland where she combines her twin passions to understand and combat infectious diseases. Siouxsie has been involved in making a series of short animations about the amazing creatures that glow in nature and the myriad uses of bioluminescence in science.

Anthony Salvagno
Dr. Anthony Salvagno is a graduate of the #SciFund Challenge: Round 2. Currently he promotes science outreach and science education with the Girl Scouts of New Mexico Trails. He is also a passionate entrepreneur, graphic designer, and aspiring author.

Barbara Walker
Dr. Barbara Endemaño Walker is Director of Research Development, Social Sciences, and Special Assistant to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Diversity Initiatives at the University of California, Santa Barbara.